11 thoughts on “Most exciting NewMexiKen poll”

  1. Kathleen Sebelius is the governor of Kansas. Janet Napolitano is the governor of Arizona. Jim Webb is a U.S. senator from Virginia.

    Leiberman is a misspelling, I assume, of Senator Joe Lieberman. Sam Nunn is a a former senator from Georgia and about to turn 70. He always gets mentioned. Clinton, Richardson and Kucinich were among candidates for the nomination.

  2. I believe the Leiberman entry is a typo rather than a misspelling. I understand typos are an extremely rare thing, so whoever did it must be a real dunce.

    I’m sure glad I’m perfect and never make typing mestakes.

  3. Typo or misspelling, most state laws permit the acceptance of misspelled write-in votes as long as the intention is clear.

    And the intention of whomever typed “Leiberman” seems clear enough to me.

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