Best line of the day, so far

“The Economics Party would be committed to changing its policy recommendation whenever the facts warranted. We’re pro flip-flop when it makes sense. In other words, our brains function properly.”

Dilbert Blog

Adams is proposing a new party: “All we’ll do is agree to vote for the candidate with the best long term economic policy, according to the consensus of leading economists.”

One thought on “Best line of the day, so far”

  1. The “consensus of leading economists” is illusory at best (though I’m sure Adams is aware). Are Greenspan and Bernanke allowed in the club (and who does determine membership)? How about all the leading economists who were giving us rosy predictions of a wonderful housing market and an expansive Dow throughout 2007, or the ones who said whatever economic slowdown occurred would be limited?

    Yeah, I’m glad that economists uniformly shot down the “gas tax holiday” nonsense, but, as a group, they don’t usually work in such harmonious cooperation and even more rarely come to the same conclusions. If they did, there’d be no debate on whether tax cuts equate to economic growth. Right?

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