20 thoughts on “Suggestions please”

  1. SeattleKen? No.





    SnoqualmieKen? Better…It has a certain..ring.

    I’m guessing that once you see the housing prices in Seattle, you’ll become:


    (at least that’s what my sister had to do…….)

  2. You could move to Kennessee or Kenada.

    Does anyone already have Bloget Sound? Or Puget Blog?

    There’s always KingCountyKen.

    By the way. Everybody loves Seattle when the sun is shining.

  3. Let’s see:

    Sunless in Seattle
    The Ancient Blog of the Mariner
    Albu-Quirky (depends on whether you want to reference your previous blog)
    Snow Qualm? Me?
    SuperSonicKen (at least for a couple of months before the team moves)

    OK, I’ll take my meds now.

  4. It’s Wednesday now; when are you going to say “April Fool?”

    SeasonalAffectiveDisorderKen gets my vote. Almost Kenadian is a close second.

    I broke my ankle Thursday night and the fracture took my powers of creative thinking away (why I have The Ramones “KKK took my baby away” in my head now, I’ll never know, must be the narcotics).

    Don’t leave New Mexico though. It’s my next stop on my “Go East, Middle-Aged Woman” place-to-reside adventure.

  5. We have a tradition here of naming our hydroplanes that run in the annual Seafair race on Lake Wa. Yours would be Miss Take-a-Ken for an ill advised relocation.

    You realize, of course, that we’re just ending a period where the temp never broke 50, sometimes barely struggling to reach into the low 40s. My house has had snow on the ground at least 3 times in the last week. Twice the city plowed our street!

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