Call for help

This is addressed to any readers in the Albuquerque area. I need the name of a reliable tree service. Casa NewMexiKen has about a dozen piñons that appear to have black scale. The needles are dying quickly. I called a service and they came out and sprayed and talked a good story, but frankly I felt like I was doing business with somebody headquartered in a motel on Central on their way through town. That’s probably not fair, but I feel like I feel.

This is an emergency, but it gets expensive fast and I need reliability — and a strong comfort zone.

Anyone? You can comment or email.

One thought on “Call for help”

  1. Ken, call Corva Rose. She prunes our piñon and roses, and will refer someone who will be super competent if she can’t or won’t do it herself.

    Her referral will be an earnest, very white Anglo from somewhere back East whose bid will be best taken sitting down with a cold cloth over your eyes in a dark room, so high will it be, and so likely will you be to faint dead away.

    However, my family owns the 45-year-old healthy piñon in Broadmoor Addition. The only one. It was worth what we spent.

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