Airports are not just for travel anymore. Now you get to listen to any number of inane telephone conversations — many at maximum volume.
Use your inside voice folks, please.
Update: You know, my opinion of the whole human race has diminished since I’ve been privileged to hear other people talking on the phone.
A long time ago a friend of mine was thinking about being a pilot, and his father discouraged him saying, “It’s a bus with wings.” Which wasn’t true then, but certainly is now — except that buses have more legroom.
Airports are like shopping malls but no one gets to go home when they get cranky. So people walk around in stretch fabrics and kids are screaming and everything is really expensive and you’re under the command of the ushers at the cineplex, who come out once in a while and thank you for your patience, they’ve almost got the pilot sobered up and we’ll leave in a little while.
Cell phones add to the horror of the air travel experience, but only marginally.