
Debby, official younger sister of NewMexiKen, sent me a present that arrived today. It’s a Grandpa’s Sweeties calendar — and not at all late because it runs from March 2008 through February 2009.

The calendar has, as you might imagine, delightful photos of The Sweeties each month, plus notations for holidays, family birthdays and anniversaries, events, etc.

And most importantly of all, April 20 is dutifully annotated as the birthday of Ron Howard’s Brother.

I think I’m gonna cry.

Thank you Debby.

4 thoughts on “Ah!”

  1. Awwhhh… I’m glad you like it. Thanks also go out to the Sweeties’ parents for photos and dates.

  2. Thanks for the compliment, Annette.

    Humor runs in our family, but wit runs genuinely deep. Moreover, thoughtfulness.

  3. Best present ever. I may just have to steal that idea for my great-grandpa’s birthday.

    Which is, coincidentally, on April 20.

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