3 thoughts on “These f***ers are crazy”

  1. Sadly, Hillary and Barack would fit right in with these lunatics with their response to the war in Iraq.

    New Mexico Democratic Caucus
    February 5, 2008
    Noon – 7:00 p.m.
    Any registered NM Democratic is eligible to vote.
    Check your polling place!

    The New Mexico Presidential Preference Caucus is a statewide election conducted by the Democratic Party of New Mexico for the purpose of voting for the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. The results of this election will be used to determine New Mexico’s allocation of delegates among the Democratic Presidential Candidates to the Democratic National Convention in August 2008.

  2. except for Ron Paul, who like my democratic choice Kucinich, is extremely marginalized by the MSM.

  3. Please, please, please, don’t get me started on Ron Paul and how he would be an even worse President than our current one…

    And Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton differ on this issue greatly than any of the other Republicans. To say they think the same thing is ludicrous.

    And I say this as an uncommitted voter.

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