If you have any interest in hospitals, critical care, survival, bureaucracy, heroes, or the occasional simplicity of solutions you need to read Annals of Medicine: The Checklist from last week’s New Yorker.
It occurred to me while reading this article how very screwed up so much of our political system is. What I would like to see in political candidates is an awareness that they are literate about issues such as this — even a few issues and even just to the extent of a New Yorker article — and I’d like to see them champion worthwhile causes (that save lives!). Instead we get mostly crap discussions from crap candidates.
There should be a law. Anyone who wants to be a politician is prohibited from being one. Or at least, anyone who wants to be a politician has to demonstrate an abiding interest in some things other than politics (and his or herself).
But ignore my rant and go read the article, which isn’t at all about politics.
It’s been said before, those who most desire public office are the least deserving of our trust.