Best line of the day, so far

Discussing an audience question to John McCain which asked “How do we beat the bitch?”

[MIKE] ALLEN: All right. But what Republican voter hasn’t thought that? What voter in general hasn’t thought that? And what people like about McCain is his straight talk, his candor, and if he had folded or buckled under that question, that would have looked ridiculous…But Kiran, this was just a funny moment on the campaign trail.

[KIRAN] CHETRY: Well, it’s only funny unless you’re offended by somebody calling a woman the b-word.

Quoted at Daily Howler.

3 thoughts on “Best line of the day, so far”

  1. That’s pathetic, and the fact that St. McCain didn’t call the questioner out on it is even more so. I wonder how Allen would have responded if someone asked Ms. Clinton “how do we beat that a…hole McCain?”

  2. I wonder how Allen would have responded if someone asked Ms. Clinton “how do we beat that a…hole McCain?”

    No, no a..hole: pu..y. 😉

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