It’s been a great week for coffee drinkers: 1) “Data from 10 studies … suggest that people who drink coffee may be reducing their risk of liver cancer.” 2) “Drinking more than three cups of coffee a day helped protect older women against some age-related memory decline.” 3) “Drinking three or more cups of coffee a day may cut the risk of colon cancer in women by half.” 4) “Exercise and moderate caffeine consumption together could help ward off sun-induced skin cancer.”
He also has this (among some other interesting stuff):
A study suggests “Baby Einstein” and other baby videos are bad for kids. Findings: 1) “32% of the babies were shown the videos, and 17% of those were shown them for more than an hour a day.” 2) “For every hour per day spent watching baby DVDs and videos, infants understood an average of six to eight fewer words than infants who did not watch them.”
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