Try to unscramble a rack of letters from GRE Vocabulary Word Scramble. Hit play again (after checking the answer) or refresh your browser to get a new word.
Here’s a short item on a Pregnant Woman On The Way To Hospital Charged With Reckless Driving And Subject To Virginia’s Abusive Driver Fee of $1050. 57 mph in a 35 zone. (She wasn’t in labor, but thought she was.) What d’ya think?
It still surprises me a little when I click on a page and it knows where I am.
Some of these are LOL. Annoying things to do on an elevator.
The Fifteen Most Dynamic Duos in Pop Culture History.
Somebody’s idea of The 20 Most Beautiful Colleges in the USA.
Confusing headline of the day: Men’s Undiagnosed Diabetes Down. How could they know?
I’m thinking of several other duos: Nick and Nora, Batman and Robin, Charley McCarthy and Edgar Bergen, Burns and Allen, Lucy and Ricky, Archie and Edith.