Best line of the day, so far

“In life it’s not how fast you run or how high you jump. It’s how well you bounce.”

William F. Cody as written and performed by Bill Moody in “Tonight! Buffalo Bill!”

NewMexiKen saw Moody’s performance last evening at the University of New Mexico. The accomplished actor — among many credits he was Paul Martin for 13 years on All My Children — was terrific as Cody, one of the early west’s most famous characters and performers. In costume and makeup with fringe jacket, hat and that famous Buffalo Bill long hair, mustache and goatee, Moody tells Bill’s life story with humor, some pathos, and accuracy. There were times I lost sight of the actor and was listening to Bill.

If you ever get the chance to see Bill Moody’s performance, take it.

2 thoughts on “Best line of the day, so far”

  1. My husband and I were there, too. I really enjoy that type of performance, but was disappointed that he didn’t offer to answer questions afterward.

    We are lucky that the NM Humanities Council sponsors such Chautauqua performances around town. I’ve seen some at the Senior Centers and some through Oasis at UNM Continuing Education. There was even Ernie Pyle in his house’s back yard (now an Albuquerque library branch)!

  2. Moody did seem to rush off. I was left with the impression that he was disappointed with the audience. It seemed we were such a small group that he never got a solid audience reaction until the end, though there were many good lines.

    When I did a fair amount of public speaking I always thought the larger the audience the better. If there are enough people present, there will always be some that appreciate what you say and the enthusiasm seems to take hold. Perhaps I am over-thinking it, but I thought Moody’s audience appreciated him more than we let on.

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