7 thoughts on “The Civil War in 4 minutes”

  1. it’s been a long time since I’ve literally come to tears watching a historical video. But being a true son of the South, watching that red shrink just got to me.

    I know, I know, the slaves were freed and it had to be done…blah blah…but…when you see that death toll going up at the bottom right of the screen…it gets to almost one and a half MILLION people.

    It makes some of the other “senseless” American wars since then sort of pale…

  2. The Civil War — officially it was The War of the Rebellion — was fought because the Constitution was a compact of the people, not of the states, and states can not leave the Union. The Confederacy attempted to leave because they feared Lincoln and the Republicans would stop the expansion of slavery (and certainly Lincoln and the Republicans wanted to stop the expansion of slavery) and, without expansion, slavery would die. So, traitors for a cause and the cause was the preservation of human bondage.

    The death toll on both sides would have been much less if Robert E. Lee had not fought almost to the bitter end—long after he knew the cause was lost.

  3. from our citation file, on an undated, hand-written, unsigned 3×5:

    Other names for the Civil War:

    * War between the States
    * War for Southern Independence
    * War for the Union
    * War of Secession
    * War of Southern Ascendancy
    * American Civil War
    * War of the Rebellion

    (i forwarded your link to the departmental history buff)

  4. Euphemisms.

    U.S. War Department. War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. 128 vols. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1880-1900.

    U.S. Naval War Records Office. The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies. 30 vols. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1874-1922.

  5. nmk, relax. the little collexion of variants is just a collexion of variants, nothing more.

    actually, your citations are a reminder that it is the victor who not only writes history but names it, depending on geographical circumstances.

    nowadays there may be a new name for it, but the soviets called WW2 the Great Patriotic War.

    and undoubtedly the Vietnam War has a different name in Hanoi… etc.

  6. In Hanoi the conflict in the 1960’s and 70’s is known as “The American War.”

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