I’m thinking, maybe it’s just as well I’m getting old

Prostitot #1: You know what I am totally afraid of? That I’ll say something dumb or mean in school, somebody will hear it then post it on their MySpace, and then, like, everyone will read it and think I’m dumb or something.

Prostitot #2: Oh, that is, like, easy to fix. All you do is put up a lot of pictures of you in, like, a bikini or your underwear or something, and then, like, everyone will be on your side if anybody says they heard you say something dumb or whatever. They’ll totally bash whoever made the nasty post about you saying they are jealous or some shit.

Prostitot #1: Wow, really?

Prostitot #2: Oh, yeah. Remember last semester when I got into that fight with Jaimie and she, like, posted the whole thing?

Prostitot #1: Yeah.

Prostitot #2: Well, the next day I put up that picture of me in the wet shirt. Everyone totally went after Jaimie saying she was just all jealous I had more friends on my page.

Prostitot #1: I am so going home now and putting up pictures of me in my underwear!

–F train

Overheard in New York

NewMexiKen had never seen or heard the word “prostitot” before. What a great, if sad, word.