Best line of the day, so far

“Say what you will about Reagan — Let me know when you’re done. OK? Good. We continue. — but he was never as gloomy as John McCain, as transparently phony as Mitt Romney, as feral as Rudy Giuliani, as earnest as Mike Huckabee, as pious as Sam Brownback, as futile as Tommy Thompson, as Out There as Ron Paul, or as monomaniacal as Tom Tancredo. Put all of these guys together on a stage and they don’t add up to Jack Kemp, for pity’s sake, let alone the Gipper.”

Charles Pierce at Altercation

One thought on “Best line of the day, so far”

  1. two alternate entries from the same piece:

    “It always was a bunch of resentments pretending to be an ideology”


    “They’re all fighting over the tiller of a plague ship”

    the first line reminds me of my fractious elders back in alabama (or any other gaggle of small-town fascists). the second could just as easily be said of the current batch of democrats who, at any moment, belong to the highest bidder.

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