Your News IQ

[W]e invite you to take our short quiz about prominent people and major events in the news — then see how you did in comparison with 1,502 randomly sampled adults asked the same questions in a recent national survey conducted by the Pew Research Center.

You’ll also be able to compare your News IQ with the average scores of men and women; with college graduates as well as those who didn’t attend college; with people who are your age as well as with younger and older Americans.

Take the Quiz.

NewMexiKen got all nine, which puts me in the top 4 percent.

Here’s Pew’s Summary of Findings: Public Knowledge of Current Affairs Little Changed by News and Information Revolutions.

4 thoughts on “Your News IQ”

  1. with all due respect, this is an exceedingly curious assessment of “news IQ”. with the indirect exception of the trade imbalance question, each query has to do with american domestic affairs or american foreign policy. a martian could read this test without much of a clue that a world exists outside of the united states and its bleeding client, iraq.

    with a degree of guessing, also nine of nine here..

  2. Aargh: 77% because I blew the question on minimum wage and defaulted on the followup question. Good feedback, though, and I obviously need to pay a little more attention to Congress.

  3. It seems that NewMexiKen readers are a very informed lot. I came in at a surprising 9 of 9 as well.

    Considering that I rarely watch the news or read newspapers, and this is the only blog I read, it just goes to show you that you can’t really isolate yourself from current events, if you are tuned in at all.

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