Oakland freeway fire

Oakland freeway fire

NewMexiKen has seen several photos and videos, but this particular one just amazed me. That roadway is like melted plastic. Click for larger version. Photo from The Oakland Tribune.

I’m wondering how many times in the past 36 years I’ve been on that collapsed roadway.

4 thoughts on “Oakland freeway fire”

  1. I’m wondering why it happened at 3:45 am. What was a fuel truck doing out at that hour? How do they know it wasn’t sabotage?

  2. Guess what? Lots of us blue collar types go to work really early. Especially delivery folks.

    Ever wonder what a UPS or FedEx center looks like at 3:45 a.m.?

    Maybe he was delivering gas to stations before their 6:00 a.m. opening times.

  3. Conscientious driver that he was, he got out of the truck walked to the station that was his next stop and told them their gas delivery would be somewhat delayed….

    Sabotage????….those pesky terrorists planned an attack on 200 feet of freeway….who woulda figured huh?…..we’ll never be able to out think those devilish bastards….on the other hand his name is Mustafa Muktada …..soooo

    I’m just guessin here, A FedEx or UPS center at 3:45 am looks maybe like a burning freeway???….maybe not…

  4. I saw a tanker parked in a fork of the freeway approximately 400m before the scene of the explosion on april 27 at 7:15 pm. This is the closest safe place to park it in preparation. I don’t like conspiracy theory’s but this seems like a planned event. The link below shows where the tanker was parked in relation to the explosion. They will appear as squares that will provide more information if you move your mouse over them. You may need to zoom out to see both.



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