Debate Scorecard

NewMexiKen did not see last evening’s Democratic candidates’ debate, but here’s a quick run down from Rolling Stone.

Also, from a good write-up at

Joe Biden got a question on the Supreme Court’s decision on the congressional “Partial-Birth Abortion” ban that didn’t mention he voted for the ban in the Senate. Bill Richardson offered Whizzer White as a model for the nominees he’d put on the Supreme Court, and nobody noted that (aside from White’s status as something less than a constitutional giant) the Whizzer was a dissenter in the original abortion rights decision, Roe v. Wade. And John Edwards was asked about his attitude towards hedge funds (a subject that most viewers probably knew little or nothing about) without any reference to his own employment by a hedge fund between his presidential runs.

Whizzer White?

One thought on “Debate Scorecard”

  1. Hello NewMexiKen, you didn’t miss much. The management of time was so poorly anticipated, that many simple, clarifying (or should I say cauterizing in their simplicity?) questions would start down the row, and run out of time at position 3. The pain was spread unevenly several times.
    Everyone was calm and polite.

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