On my hiatus, such as it was and may be

The simple truth is that I find something cathartic about quitting or taking a formal break from this blog. A day, or two, or five days later, and it’s like new batteries have been installed.

It’s not, as it appears, an attention seeking device. In fact, I find it more than a little embarrassing that I’ve pulled this stunt a half-dozen times or more. (The recent lapses while I was in Tucson however, weren’t purposeful. They were simply because I had no internet access.)


(More than 10,000 posts and you’d be crazy, too.)

3 thoughts on “On my hiatus, such as it was and may be”

  1. I just thought it was funny that you said we should think you gave up blogging for Lent, and then you were back in a couple of days.

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