Best line of the day, so far

“Local TV and radio stations are waxing rhapsodic about more snow coming, wavering over whether they should instill fear and panic, or strut with confidence over a no-show.”


It always seems to NewMexiKen that when it comes to weather warnings, TV stations waver over whether to instill fear OR panic. P.T. Barnum’s heirs, every one.

3 thoughts on “Best line of the day, so far”

  1. In my opinion, NM teevee news shouldn’t really bother with a “weather” segment. Instead, they should just have the station’s weather guy shrug and say, “I have no freaking clue, OK? Back to you, Bob!”

    I’m fine with the unpredictability; it’s the whole pretending to know thing I find annoying. 😉

  2. CBS Sunday Morning did a segment on meteorologists and I thought it was hilarious that they did a little skit called “Weather Hunch.” That’s pretty much what most predictions are these days despite all of the doppler readings, computer analysis, and jet stream indicators.

    It’s a tough job but someone’s got to do it.


  3. Studying climatology is for smart people. Predicting the weather on TV is what people do now that there are fewer circuses around to hire clowns.

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