Cat’s mom reports:
As of this week, we have heard from all 50 states, including 33 governors and 4 senators and the mail continues to come in a little at a time. I have lost track of total postcards but think we are well over 125. When I get some free time, I will send a final tally. It changes daily.
Thank you to you and your friends and family who generously took the time to send Cat a postcard. As you know, I am a working mom and I sometimes feel guilty that I am not there for Cat and Tate 24/7. This project probably meant far more to me than to Cat because I looked at each card that arrived as a Valentine to Cat to let her know that her mom loves her, even when we are apart during the day. Cat feels like the queen of her class and enjoys mail call. I go to sleep each night feeling a little goofy and less guilty. Lord only knows what I will come up with for Tate.
A good friend of mine is going to help Cat and I assemble a scrapbook of all of the cards and then we will bring it back to school for the unit on the U.S. Clearly, the children will see that there are kind people all over.
NewMexiKen is of the opinion that Cat’s mom has very little to feel guilty about.
Well, except for the fact that she hasn’t sent a photo of Cat with her postcard collection.
Update: Cat wants a Disney princess birthday party, but when her mother asked what kind of birthday party she, the mother, should have, Cat replied: “That’s easy mom, you will have a Super Woman party because you are always Super Mommy to the rescue.” So much for the guilt. Photo forthcoming.
Was one of the Governor’s, Governor Richardson?
Please do not publish.