Make a Wish

The nights and early morning hours of November 17-19 mark the return of the Leonid meteor shower to the skies of Earth. Will it be worth your while to get outside and take a look? Well, that depends on which expert you listen to and where you live.

For the most part, this year’s Leonid’s display should be a pretty typical meteor shower. Just days away from New Moon, the sky will be free of moonlight so viewers should be able to see as many as 20 faint, fast-moving meteors per hour during its peak (the evening of November 17, early morning of November 18).

However, unlike a typical meteor shower, astronomers are predicting an unusual “outburst” of meteor activity late November 18 – early November 19 (the date it occurs depends on where you live).

The Planetary Society

Thanks to dangerousmeta! for the link.