Anyway, all of this is just a long prelude to the fact that I picked up his book The Audacity of Hope
and was blown away at how well written it is. His stories sometimes make me laugh out loud and at other times well up with tears. I find myself underlining the book repeatedly so I can find the best parts quickly again in the future. I am also almost certain he wrote the whole thing himself, based on people I know who know him. I have no interest in politics, yet I am devouring this book. If you aren’t giving Freakonomics as a Christmas gift this year—probably you gave it to everyone on your list last Christmas 🙂 —this would make a great gift.
I suppose I shouldn’t be that surprised at what a good writer he is because I read his first book Dreams from My Father
two years ago and loved that one as well. But unlike that first book, written 15-20 years ago before he had political ambitions, I thought this new one would just be garbage. Rarely does a book so exceed my expectations. Also, I should stress that I don’t agree with all his political views, but that in no way detracts from the enjoyment of reading the book.
If he has the same effect on others as he does on me, you are looking at a future president.
As far as NewMexiKen is concerned, Gates, Obama, whoever, I’m voting for Jeb Bush.
I have trouble believing that (about Jeb Bush). Are you just trying to see who is paying attention?
You are in New Mexico not Florida. Paper ballots thanks to Governor Richardson.
Bill in 08.