4 thoughts on “And then”

  1. Like so many Republican themes, this one has no basis in fact. In the last 60 years, the country has been attacked once. A Republican was in the White House. He has now botched our response to the people who did it — in Afganistan.

  2. Okay. But as I recall sixty years ago, with a Democrat in the White House, we were attacked by the Japanese and we attacked the Germans in response.

    The subject, though, is the cartoon. What is the joke? Who’s attacking the White House and why? I know that the White House housekeeping staff wouldn’t leave it like that except if someone is shooting at them.

    I don’t get it. Maybe Kerry understands it.

  3. Sigh. Math is SO HARD.

    And getting history right is, like, super duper hard.

    And don’t even get me started on metafours. Metaphurs. Whatever.

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