So I buy J.J. Cale and Eric Clapton’s new CD last night. This morning I go to import it into iTunes, which happily pulls up the track names from some database on the internets. If you’re obsessive-compulsive as NewMexiKen is from time-to-time, you verify the iTunes information against the actual CD.
iTunes title: “The Road To Escondito”
Actual title: “The Road to Escondido” (Escondido is an actual place not far from San Diego. I’ve been there.)
iTunes song title: “When The War Is Over”
Actual song title: “When This War Is Over”
OK, not exactly the end of the world, but doesn’t anybody proof their work anymore — or take any pride in getting it right?
(It’s rare for the database to have the album title wrong, but song titles are often incorrect.)