NewMexiKen finally got around to seeing An Inconvenient Truth today. It’s very good and very important; go see it. Fittingly, we commuted to the downtown theater where the film is playing in a different way.
New Mexico’s new commuter rail is running this weekend for the New Mexico Wine Festival at Bernalillo. What if, we thought, we rode the train downtown, went to the theater (just across the street), then rode back to our cars near home?
It worked like a charm. Though filled to standing-room-only for the festival, the train was still comfortable and efficient — and free (until October 13). We probably saved no more than a gallon of gas, but — as we learned from Al Gore — it all helps.
And it was fun.
Go see the film even if you can’t take a train!
Update: New Mexico’s train is called Rail Runner — that’s supposedly a roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus) painted on the engine (photo above). But you know, it looks a little like a fighting cock to me. Do you suppose that’s why Governor Richardson hasn’t come out in opposition to cock fighting in New Mexico?
An Inconvenient Truth it is a movie that is worth seeing. PS: The train is very nice painted. I like how it looks.