Us ‘Burqueans

There were 783,920 people in the Albuquerque metropolitan area last year (according to the U.S. Census). 407,621 (52%) were born in New Mexico. 296,236 (38%) were born in the other 49 states. 72,015 (9%) were born outside the U.S. (The other 8,048 were born U.S. citizens, but not born in the U.S.)

Of the 783,920, 381,592 were male, 402,328 were female.

Of the 783,920, 357,613 (46%) claimed white (non-Hispanic) origins exclusively, 340,177 (43%) claimed Hispanic or Latino origins. Just less than 6% claimed American Indian origins. 2.5% claimed African origins. Less than 2% were Asian or Pacific Islander.

There were 509,828 men and women 25 and older in Albuquerque last year. 153,026 of them have bachelor’s or advanced college degrees. That’s 30%. (The U.S. average is 27.7%.) 14% of Albuquerque area adults have less than a high school education.

There were 319,677 households. 204,373 (64%) were family households; 147,467 (46% of the total) of these were married couples. 93,015 (29% of the total) were one-person households.

There were 96,588 women between the ages of 35 and 50 in the Albuquerque metropolitan area last year. 61,882 were married and 34,706 were single.

Metropolitan Albuquerque consists of Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance and Valencia counties.

One thought on “Us ‘Burqueans”

  1. I wish someone would report on how this survey was done, so we have an idea of the probable undercount. There was none of the publicity of the regular census, looking for workers or encouraging people to cooperate. How big was the sample used, and how was it drawn? Did they have enough Spanish-speaking field workers, and people who could be trusted in poor and student neighborhoods?

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