Happy Anniversary NewMexiKen

NewMexiKen began three years ago today. Who would have thought obsessive-compulsive behavior could be sustained1 so long?

Because of changes in software and hosting services I have lost count, but I think there have been at least 800,000 visits and way more than a million page views. There are 8,624 posts (and scores have been eliminated along the way).

Phew! I need a day off.

So here’s the deal. Today, on my anniversary, you blog, I comment. Send me your story, link or NewMexiKen type content.

Email it to newmexiken at gmail dot com. Tell me if you want your name posted or not.

Really! If you’re a regular reader (and there are a few of you), it’s your turn. And no boring stuff — it’s got to be Wise, Whimsical or Witty (or at least half-witty).

1 OK, OK, so there have been a few meltdowns along the way.

8 thoughts on “Happy Anniversary NewMexiKen”

  1. Happy Anniversary! I am so glad you’ve stayed in business. I love the blog and how it’s developed. I really like the new look of the site, too. And of course, as a mom to one Sweetie and an auntie to the other Sweeties, it sure doesn’t hurt to have those pics. Keep up the good work! Hurray for NewMexiken!

  2. Man, I have wracking my brain all day for some content that would come up to your level. Nothing. Have a great day.

  3. Oh, Hugh, you flatter me. You often have great content at Three Bed, Two Bath. And besides, I believe you were the second blog to link to NMK. (Which makes you senior because the first, South Knox Bubba, is long gone.) Thanks!

  4. Happy Anniversary NewMexiKen! I read it during work when I can’t stand the job anymore. I read it very often and sometimes laugh out loud. I love the pictures of all the great nieces and nephews. My comment would be to support not passing the ammendment for marriages only between one man and one woman and not recognizing anything else. Not only will that hurt all domestic partners–all heterosexual couples that get benefits from employers but not are not legally married and all senior citizens that cannot afford to marry due to the tax structure in this country. They need these benfits to continue and cannot afford to have an ammendment that might take these benefits away. It is not just about marriages between gays. It is about discrimination.It would be a step backwards for civil rights.

  5. Thanks and Happy Anniversary NewMexiKen. I really enjoy reading your blog. It keeps me connected with my home state. I miss New Mexico so I make a trip at least once a year to visit my home town and of course my Momma and the rest of my family. So keep up the great content and I’ll keep reading one of my favorite blogs.

  6. Happy Anniversary!!! Love the site and I am always interested about New Mexico and a host of other topics. Keep it coming.

  7. Congratulations on the 3rd year of NEWMEXIKEN! Our family thoroughly enjoys your daily column. Thank goodness there continue to be people like you who provide insightful and touching remarks about the world we share.

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