Em dash

Do you know that it is easy to type an em dash when writing on a computer? It simply amazes me that I continue to see a hyphen, or hyphen hyphen, when a dash is intended. That’s how it was done on the typewriter.

Here’s how to type an em dash in the 21st century:

Mac — hold down the option key + shift key and type a hyphen.

Windows — hold down the ALT key and type 0 1 5 1 on the numeric keypad.

An em dash indicates a pause, or a change in thought, similar to a parenthesis.

An en dash is used for ranges, such as August 15–20. (Mac option + hyphen key; Windows ALT + 0 1 5 0).

A hyphen is used to divide or separate words.

One thought on “Em dash”

  1. Thanks for giving me the way to create these on a Windows machine. I use em-dashes and en-dashes all the time, but I always have to convert them from Windows users. Now, I can get them to do it right the first time.

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