… was born on this date in 1743.
Eight-three years later, at the end of his remarkable life, he wished to be remembered foremost for those actions that appear as his epitaph:
Author of the
American Independence
of the
Statute of Virginia
Religious Freedom
and Father of the
University of Virginia.
At a White House dinner honoring 49 Nobel laureates in 1962, President Kennedy remarked, “I think this is the most extraordinary talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered together at the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.”
It seems to NewMexiKen that the country could use a federal holiday during that long spell from Washington’s Birthday to Memorial Day. I propose that today, April 13, Jefferson’s birthday, would be ideal.
Despite serious flaws, Jefferson remains one of the most remarkable Americans — statesman, scientist, architect, philosopher agronomist, author.
Click on the image of the document to view Jefferson’s draft of the Declaration of Independence. The photo above taken by NewMexiKen, 2001.
I strongly agree with the idea of a Jefferson holiday, and not just because I want a day off from work. The “Declaration of Independence” is one of the most meaningful statements I have ever read. But why not make it the second Monday in April. Many holidays have switched to Mondays.