It’s the last city council meeting of Albuquerque’s 300th year — Sunday is the birthday — and seven or eight local bloggers have gathered to blog while the council discusses a minimum wage for the city. ($6.75 at first, $7.50 in 2008). Some 38,000 workers in the city would be effected.
Most of the speakers so far — including the representative of the chamber of commerce — have spoken in favor of the ordinance. Oddly enough, the chamber of commerce spokeswoman said the chamber preferred a state or federal raise in the minimum wage. How the world has turned when an organization associated with the business community speaks in favor of a federal wage action.
7:10 PM The speakers continue with most speaking in favor of a city minimum wage. One businessman feared it was one more cost he couldn’t afford — along with rising energy costs, rising insurance costs, etc. Another opposed the ordinance because a similar action lost at the polls last October. An economist stated the current average wage in Albuquerque’s host county (Bernalillo) is just $6.60. The city’s minimum won’t just effect those earning $5.15.
7:45 PM A councilor stated that he feared that if last October’s minimum wage referendum had passed ($7.50) Albuquerque would be unable to attract new businesses. To which I can only say, who wants to attract businesses that pay minimum wage or even $7.50. (Perhaps I am not a realist.) I am also beginning to doubt those who say they are opposed to the city minimum wage but support an increase at the federal level. Why do I feel they are being disingenuous?
9:00 PM The measure passed 6-3.
Others live blogging:
‘Burque Babble
Democracy for NM
Duke City Fix
New Mexico FBIHOP
Erik Siemer’s Loose Pages
Thanks to Chantal for the use of her laptop (when NewMexiKen’s own wouldn’t connect to the wifi).