Where did she inherit this obsessive/compulsive behavior?

Jill, official oldest daughter of NewMexiKen likes the Oscars:

I got up at 9:00 this morning on my only morning to sleep in and drove to Fairfax Corner to see the 10:15AM showing of Good Night and Good Luck. … Except that there was no 10:15am showing. It is a PM showing. And a 10:15PM showing only (no other options, not playing at any other remotely local theaters.) So I was screwed.

It was a mistake in their listing, so I threw a hissy fit with management and got a free pass for any time in the next month (so useful) [baby due March 23]. But, for only the second time in 14 years, I will not see all five nominees before the Oscars.

For the record, NewMexiKen has seen only three of the five best picture nominees (missing Munich and Brokeback). Also for the record, I seriously considered seeing both today.

And, for the record, my main picks: Crash, Ang Lee, Hoffman and Huffman, Dillon and Weisz. Not exactly going out on any limbs. (Posted at 2:30 PM MST)

Update: Just four for six for the main awards, but elsewhere I scored 17 of 24.