The Culture of Death

In the most recent year for which figures are available, these are the numbers for firearms homicides:

Ireland 54
Japan 83
Sweden 183
Great Britain 197
Australia 334
Canada 1,034
United States 30,419

Cited by Garry Wills in a review of Jimmy Carter’s Our Endangered Values: America’s Moral Crisis.

2 thoughts on “The Culture of Death”

  1. I thought Gary Wills’ entire article was good. Jimmy Carter said recently told Terri Gross on Fresh Air that he turned out to be a better ex-president that president. I think we should give him a second term and let him put all his experience, and the benefit of reflection to work. Ah, those were the days… when the president was someone capable of introspection and able to admit shortcomings.

  2. Corrections: The previous comment was written by Muddy, but my name was omitted due to a brief lapse in attention.

    “Jimmy Carter said recently told Terri Gross…”
    should have read “Jimmy Carter recently told Terri Gross…”

    Additionally, I am appalled by the unrivalled handgun death toll in this country, but I have no idea how to change it, given the national fixation/fondness for death and violence and inflicting it on others. Other countries ,like Japan and Hong Kong, I’ve heard, are just as big on violence in movies and books and video games as the USA, but they don’t have a chance of ever catching up to us in the lives lost to guns category.

    Muddy regrets the errors.

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