All the liberal and left bloggers are linking to Digby for post-mortems on yesterday’s cloture vote, so NewMexiKen will too. It’s a good, positive statement at the end of a pretty discouraging process.
Alito was confirmed today 58-42. He will appear tonight at the State of the Union in the robe of a Supreme Court Justice.
NewMexiKen has decided to watch the DVD of The Aristocrats instead.
The Aristocrats or the Plutocrats? Tough choice. At least the Aristocrats intends to offend. The current resident of the white house will offend millions, while smiling and picking our pockets one more time, and while explaining the necessity of sending more americans to be sacrificed to the god of war and necessity. State of the U drinking game…. every time he says “necessary” take a drink… or maybe not, i don’t think it would be advisable to drink that much, in a week.