
24.5 million
The number of military veterans in the United States. To quote Functional Ambivalent, “Find one and say thanks.”

1.7 million
The number of veterans who are women.

9.5 million
The number of veterans who are age 65 or older.

2.3 million
The number of black veterans. Additionally, 1.1 million veterans are Hispanic; 276,000 are Asian; 185,000 are American Indian or Alaska native; and 25,000 are native Hawaiian and other Pacific islander.

8.2 million
Number of Vietnam-era veterans. More than 30 percent of all veterans served in Vietnam, the largest share of any period of service. The next largest share of wartime veterans, 3.9 million or fewer than 20 percent, served during World War II.

Percentage of Persian Gulf War veterans who are women. In contrast, women account for 5 percent of World War II vets, 3 percent of Vietnam vets and 2 percent of Korean War vets.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Veterans should be proud. Today is one of the holidays Americans celebrate on a date, not a first or second or third or last Monday, or a fourth Friday. Puts it right up there with Christmas and Independence Day. November 11 is, of course, the date of the Armistice ending World War I. More below.

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