Is nothing sacred? NewMexiKen was taught that you couldn’t fold a piece of paper in half more than 8 times. The paper becomes too thick. Now I see that, “In one day Britney was the first person to set the world record for folding paper in half 9, 10, 11 or 12 times.”
First Darwin, now this. Is everything just a theory?
She may be the first person on record, but I’ve folded a piece of paper nine times.
When my son was small, we encountered that old “eight times” saw on teevee one afternoon, and I expressed my skepticism. We collected as many different kinds of paper as we could find in the house and sat on the living room floor and folded until we succeeded.
I was determined; I wanted him to know that just because someone tells us something is impossible, that doesn’t mean it actually is. It was a fun lesson.