Best line of the day, so far

“Unfortunately, calling him a coward was not enough. It gained us nothing but America’s hatred. You should have done more. You should have sent your flying monkeys to knock him down, take the stuffing out of him, and light it on fire.”

Jesus’ General letter to Rep. Jean Schmidt. On the House floor Ms. Schmidt said. “He also asked me to send Congressman Murtha a message: that cowards cut and run, Marines never do.”

Murtha is a decorated Marine veteran.

One thought on “Best line of the day, so far”

  1. Schmidt has NO brains at all.

    She only do things she’s been told to do. Thats why Rove/Bush loves her. No brain no pain for her.

    Come on now, do any of you really thinks that this attack doesnt wear the Rove trademark? It was the same thing with the Hackett swift-boating in September with The Mini Mayor upset. The repubs didn’t invest in Schmidt for her brain, they invested in loyalty, Rove has the brain.

    As a newcommer to the house she’s an expandable toy. They know she wont survive the 06 election and they wont put any more money in her next campaign if she is running against a strong dem. I even doubt they recomment here to run at all. She will be crushed in 06 if she run and the repubs will just watch it happen.

    The thing is just to reveil her on national news. Put her up against some difficult questions and make her/them suffer. The polls will show immidiate results of this unintelligent Rove campaign. With Rove tied to Fitz it should now be fire at will on Schmidt, Taft, DeLay and all the rest. He can’t defend them all. I’m positive that Fitz got a surprice for Rove at the end of the show, so keep Rove busy. Really busy.

    Fire at will friends, fire at will.

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