Best line of the day, so far

According to CBS News, “President Bush’s job approval has reached the lowest level yet. Only 35 percent approve of the job he’s doing.”

And, to paraphrase Saturday Night Live, that’s the same 35% that believe Adam and Eve rode to church on dinosaurs.

One thought on “Best line of the day, so far”

  1. I had it explained to me by a middle school student a couple of years ago that dinosaurs never existed because they are not named in The Bible, etc., etc. (She was obviously parroting the Fundamentalist dogma she’d been taught.) It made no difference to her when I said that I’d been to the museum in Los Angeles and seen their skeletons first hand. (Since I was there as a substitute teacher’s aide in a public school, our conversation had it’s limitations, thus we agreed to disagree.)

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