Lots of interesting things in the Science Times today.
Pluto may not be a planet.
Despite the movies, you should not drown in quicksand (unless the tide comes in).
Elk may get wasting disease because they slobber and lick each other too much.
Some experts say maybe we shouldn’t live on the coast.
Bicycle saddles may cause erectile dysfunction for serious male riders. (Justly for some I might add, given their arrogance and rudeness on public streets.)
Do not play dead if a bear seems to be attacking you in a predatory way. (As opposed to when their attack is defensive; perhaps you can ask the bear for a time out to inquire about their motives.)
The only thing worse than the “arrogant??? and “rude??? cyclist on the streets is the passive aggressive and moronic vehicle operator. Especially, those operators who hate their lives so much they become compelled to take it out on cyclists, or other drivers. Riders, who I might add, are doing the motorists a favor by not adding another vehicle to the already overcrowded streets.
I can honestly say, from personal experience (400 miles a week for several years), that the increase in testosterone in the blood from the exercise more than makes up for any possibility of erectile dysfunction. Providing one has the bicycle properly fitted and positioned.
Well, your comment certainly dispells both “arrogant” and “rude”! 🙂
I’m with TheSonoranSon. Well, not the rudeness of the reply, but the underlying issue. There certainly all rude and arrogant cyclists. At their worst, they can delay a motorist 10 or 15 seconds. There are rude and arrogant motorists. At their worst, they can kill a cyclist. That’s why most cyclists I know and ride with tend not to be rude and arrogant – we’re at a significant disadvantage.
Often, the thing we’ve done that is perceived as rude and arrogant – riding out in the lane, for example, to avoid being “doored” by parked cars, or to avoid debris in the bike lane – is really something we have to do for our own safety.
In my book, males should generally be wary of sitting on anything with a nose. Rude and arrogant certainly would certainly seem to apply in that kind of circumstance. I am not sure about the serious part.
I guess I’m a humble and polite cyclist, but a rude and arrogant blog commentator.