Winston Wolfe is 66. That’s Harvey Keitel. He was George Baines in The Piano, and nominated for an Oscar for his performance as Mickey Cohen in Bugsy. Keitel played Judas in The Last Temptation of Christ and Elvis in Finding Graceland.
A year ago NewMexiKen wrote about Richard Steven Valenzuela, better known as Ritchie Valens, Steveland Hardaway Judkins, better known as Stevie Wonder, and Joe Louis.
Wonder is 55 today. Valens would have been 64. Joe Louis was born on this date in 1914.
If you ask anyone who lives around Lakehurst, they’ll tell you the Pineys (inbred locals who live in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey) believed the Hindenburg was the Government spying on their stills, so they filled it full of buckshot by shooting at it, causing an excess of hydrogen around the blimp, and as it touched the mooring spike, it grounded electrically and *whoof* … it torched.