
NewMexiKen is home from California now so the changes to these pages can resume (because I enjoy figuring them out and this blog is my hobby).

The home page now has the most current 30 entries. At the bottom a link will take you to earlier entries — on subsequent pages links take you either forward or back. If you had a mind to, you could read the whole 175 pages of NewMexiKen (as of this entry) one page at a time.

The date of each entry is displayed with the other metadata at the bottom of the entry. Entries are no longer organized under a date header (except in the date archives).

I like the idea of petroglyphs as a logo for NewMexiKen — after all, what were many petroglyphs other than one person communicating with whomever came along, just like a blog — but I don’t like the photo I have for this purpose. So the banner will change.

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