Stop, thief!

NewMexiKen noticed a van (from a major American retailer which offers home maintenance service) parked in a unusual location behind my home this morning. Why would anyone pull over there I thought.

“To use my wireless network” I replied. “Nah, surely not. But let’s go turn it off and see.” (NewMexiKen lives alone and often talks to himself.)

I disconnected the modem from the router. Within a minute or so the van left.

Time to encrypt.

One thought on “Stop, thief!”

  1. no-broadcast and WEP are great things.
    The only real problem has been the tedious retyping of the 42 hexadecimal WEP key into each new machine (twice each time). I would recommed making a text file with it and putting it on a jump drive or a floppy disk.

    Good luck….

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