As readers of this blog know, I’ve been somewhat undecided about the presidential race, but I went ahead and cast my vote this afternoon. It was the tenth time I’ve voted for President of the United States (well actually, for an elector to cast his or her vote for President of the United States).
It went well. The line was about 75 minutes long, punctuated as we stood along a major thoroughfare by a couple of drive-by campaignings. (Technically a felony, as those shouting from their vehicles were well within the 100 foot no electioneering limit.) It was a sunny day, and people seemed reasonably content with the wait given the seriousness of the responsibility.
I had no trouble with the electronic voting machine and it gave me a screen readout of all my selections at the end before I pushed the “I really mean it” button (the machine even warned me I had missed a couple choices).
One of the choices I missed (made no selection) was for Bernalillo County Clerk. As noted here Sunday, I did not think it was appropriate for the incumbent to imply people were having trouble voting because they were stupid. However true that might be, NewMexiKen found that a very unattractive response from a public servant. Furthermore, we’ve been voting in this country for well over 200 years. Isn’t it the job of county clerks to make it a simple, efficient, fool-proof process?
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