9 thoughts on “Incisive”

  1. Thanks so much for posting this! I, too, was bummed that I missed recording this great exchange of views. (And will likely burn to DVD to pass around to friends 🙂

    Jon Stewart Rocks!

    Finally someone speaks honestly & to the point on Crossfire(and to their “partisan hackery”), and takes the “NewsBiz” to task for just repeating the talking points they are handed, without question.

    Other than Dan Schorr on NPR, IS there anyone (other than the folks The Daily Show) that can/will do that? And they’re not even “journalists!”

    So thanks again for YOUR Public Service in making this available!!

  2. Jon Stewart is so great. He obviously received an excellent college education. 🙂

    Stupid Tucker Carlson was so flummoxed that his guest didn’t jump right into the box he “belonged” in. Complexity is so hard for partisan hacks to grasp.

  3. When are these news idiots going to stop retaliating
    with insults to hard questions.
    They don’t ask hard questions of their guests and when THEY are asked
    hard questions, they respond with insults.
    And baseless insults, no less.

    Our whole society seems to be more interested in pro-wrestling than
    honest conversation.
    Guys screaming at the camera about how they are going to tear their
    opponents limb-from-limb.
    Instead of human beings sitting at a table trying to clarify and
    understand their differences.
    I guess that makes me a tree-hugging liberal. F**k yes! I am!

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