Sweeties for Truth

Who would have thought that photos of four lovable, little children in partisan garb could cause so many contentious comments? I suspect that, like most free-spirited children, these four Sweeties remain Libertarians at heart and would vote for Michael Badnarik if they could vote.

NewMexiKen apologizes to all for posting such an inflammatory item.

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Sweeties for Truth



Update: In fairness, NewMexiKen must report that none of the Sweeties is eligible to vote (none is a felon, they’re just too young) and that one of the six parents involved disagrees with this endorsement.

14 thoughts on “Sweeties for Truth”

  1. I hate to speak for Byron….but I can tell you that he considers himself a Libertarian but pretty much always votes Republican. He does not like Bush, and disagrees with him on almost everything, from the war on Iraq to just about every social policy. But (despite my passionate attempts to sway him) he cannot vote for Kerry. He thinks he is just TOO fiscally liberal. He wishes there was a decent third option for him. In the end he will vote for Bush as his choice for the lesser of two evils. Poor misguided soul.

  2. More of a comment to Jill than to the sweeties…There are two subjects one should not argue about….Religion and Politics…..No one wins..
    Of course you could make him sleep on the couch but who gets hurt?

  3. Ralph, I rarely post anything here because while I disagree with many of the posts, I truly respect the viewpoints of others. Apparently, the same can not be said for you.

    While I don’t feel the need to defend my choice to you, I will tell you that it is about a hell of a lot more than a tax cut.

  4. I’m joking, Byron. Golly, hit a sore spot there.

    I know that MOST of Bush’s supporters are behind him because of the “Crush your enemies and hear the lamentation of his women” thing, not just a tax cut.

  5. Byron, I am sorry I brought it up. Everyone is entitled to his or her beliefs. That is what makes the world go around.

    It seems to me a better choice however, for my taxes to fund education, health care, job training, and the like, rather than corporate welfare and an endless military sinkhole. That is why I have not, do not, and will not vote for any Republicans.

  6. I feel responsible for dragging Byron into this because of my post about his politics. Byron and I have disagreed about politics for 11 years. We will never agree.

    But we each manage to respect the fact that the other is neither stupid nor uninformed. We just see things differently, or hold different things to be paramount.

    Sure, I think Republicans, including Byron, are wrong. But I don’t think they are monsters. And I certainly don’t think it’s cute to attack them personally just because they think differently than you. Get a life, Ralph.

  7. Well, that was the best dialogue we’ve had going in the comments in a long time! (Of course, I knew who the lone dissenter was before he was revealed.) Personally, I don’t know how ANY parent could support an administration that is gutting the nation so dramatically–econonomically, environmentally, and socially, including education, public services, emergency services, medical care, social services, etc. They are also undermining our reputation in the world and generating the impetus for terrorism to grow beyond our wildest imagingations. I simply care too much about the future of my children and all our future generations to watch this rampant national decline continue in good conscience. I don’t see how funding a war that benefits big business while creating the biggest deficit in the history of the nation is even close to being fiscally responsible. Plus they lie through their teeth, mislabel programs to fool people, and they are manipulative fear mongers, to boot. This administration does not even come close to being the lesser of evils when examined under a microscope. They are dangerous to the nation and our place in the world… Wolves in Christian clothing. The Democrats may not be great, either, but we were in a lot better shape in the 1990’s than we are now. Ask anyone in the lower 80% of wage earners if they are better off now.

  8. As Jill said, Byron doesn’t support the Bush Administration, he dislikes the politics of Kerry more.

  9. Truly, I was not attacking Byron personally. I was merely expressing my opinion on the issues, just like everyone else. I think this administration has got to go, and the sooner the better! Kerry would not have been my first choice, either, but I still find him the better choice given our circumstances as a nation.

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