The right of the people to keep and bear headboards, shall not be infringed

As Ralph said in his comments on the assault with a deadly horse story, “Horses, headboards, doesn’t anyone in New Mexico have a GUN?”

Appropriately it’s Ralph (of Makes Me Ralph) who brings us up to date on the headboard story:

New Mexico State Representative Rory Ogle refuses to resign after assaulting his wife with the headboard of their bed. Ogle doesn’t have opposition in November and says the issue is private and between him and his wife.

No, Rory, what happened between Jack Ryan and his wife was private. Criminal proceedings are public.

Now, Ogle is getting it from both sides. Republicans plan to run a write in campaign against him, as do Democrats. New Mexico Attorney General and Democratic Hottie Patricia Madrid issued a forceful call for Ogle’s resignation, as well as stiffer penalties for domestic violence.