Summing it up nicely

Dan Froomkin at The Washington Post sharpens the focus:

A theme increasingly running through President Bush’s public messages these days (even more than his constant insistence that he is optimistic) is that his values are America’s values.

Bush is hoping to persuade American voters that his own morality, faith and patriotism stand in contrast to Senator John F. Kerry’s and more closely mirror their own. It’s a powerful assertion.

But it’s an assertion that is vehemently challenged by Democrats — and it may have some risks.

Imagine what would happen if, for instance, it were to turn out that Bush was using terror warnings for political purposes; or if he shirked his National Guard duty in Vietnam; or if one of his top aides were charged with outing a CIA operative as an act of political retaliation; or if he is perceived as being part and parcel with the likes of indicted former Enron Corp. Chairman Kenneth L. Lay.
