As usual, Mark Morford minces no words on Just how far will desperate Republicans go to trick America into another BushCo victory?
Semi-clever, ultra-wealthy Bush supporters suddenly donating piles of money to the Nader campaign in an obvious attempt to steal votes from John Kerry? Pshaw. Ptooey. Child’s play. Tip of the iceberg. A mere distraction.
We ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.
This is the time of desperation and anxiety. This is the time of hysterical Orange Alerts and imminent al Qaeda attacks coming from outta nowhere at any minute and violating our children and kicking our puppies and badly denting our Honda Accords. And, yes, this is the time of election-year political tactics coming from the increasingly anxious Right that will make Sun Tzu’s “Art of War” look like a cupcake cookbook.
Link via The Sideshow.
With non-paper-trail computerized voting run by a staunchly Republican corporation I don’t honestly know why the Re[ublicans are bothering with the rest.
It’s not like The Supreme Court would back up any challenge by Democrats to whatever the results turn out to be.
I read the other day that half of the contributions to Nader’s campaign are coming from Republicans. I’m pretty confident that it’s not because they want him to be president. But, as the article warns, I do worry about what sort of fearful events they will conjure up, and/or scare tactics they will resort to, in their desperate effort to sway the masses or control the elections.