NewMexiKen doesn’t routinely watch Jeopardy! like I did in the Art Fleming days, but I might want to watch today. According to news reports, some guy from Utah has been champion 16 days in a row through yesterday and he’s won more than $500,000. It used to be you could only be champion for five shows, but now there is no restriction.
(The current shows were taped in February.)
I have been a faithful Jeopardy watcher for years but have all but stopped watching since this guy has taken over the show. I think taking the limit away was a bad idea. 10 days might have been ok but unlimited bites.
There have been a good many contestants over the last two decades that could hold their own against him if they had a chance.
A quick trigger finger is more valuable than a large reservoir of arcane knowledge on Jeopardy.