The Babe

NewMexiKen is decidedly not a Red Sox fan, but the photo of Babe Ruth at Bambino’s Curse (default style) is priceless.

One can’t help but be reminded of the story in Robert W. Creamer’s delightful Babe: The Legend Comes to Life (1974).

There is a story, probably apocryphal, about a time [Ruth] and [Bob] Meusel were barnstorming together. They shared a hotel suite. Meusel was half asleep when Ruth came in with a girl, went into his room and made love to her in his usual noisy fashion. Afterwards he came out to the living room of the suite, lit a cigar and sat in a chair by the window, smoking it contemplatively. When he finished the cigar he went back into the bedroom and made love again. And then came out and smoked another cigar. In the morning Meusel asked, “How many times did you lay that girl last night?” Ruth glanced at the ashtray, and so did Meusel. There were seven butts in the tray. “Count the cigars,” said Ruth.